27 January 2012


Today we went to Plaza Indonesia for lunch.. We ate at Playground..
The place is so interesting and so do the menu ("Mimi cucu" is one of the unique dish there)
I ordered a dish called "Insanity rice". It was a three colour fried rice. It taste really good but it's so spicy!

For dessert, we have The Goods Cafe's cupcake :D Red velvet, TyeDye, Nuttela, Peanut Butter cupcake!

What a day?! I'm so full! But it's still a happy day :D

26 January 2012

Iseng-iseng berhadiah!

Hari senin yg lalu bertepatan dengan imlek, gw ikut Michael pergi ke tempat saudara-saudaranya.. Selesai dari keluarganya giliran dateng and nemuin keluarga gw yang kebetulan lagi jalan-jalan di Central Park..

Begitu sampai di CP dan lewatin fun world, si pacar tertarik utuk mencoba sebuah game adu panco! Susah- susah-gampang emang mainnya. Dua kali main aja udah stop karena tangannya jd sedikit kenceng/kram..

Nah karena sisa saldo di kartu masih ada kita iseng main permainan yang dapetin hadiah gitu.. Bukan yg nyapit boneka-bonekaan tapi yang dorong semacam stick gitu melewati lobang yang ada supaya hadiah di belakangnya jatoh..

Satu dan dua kali mencoba si pacar gagal.. Gantian gw coba, and ternyata gagal banget! Jauh gitu dari lobangnya.. Next try, gw yg mencet dengan bantuan panduan dari pacar.. Hasilnya, taraaaaaa!! Berhasil! Dapet deh sebuah hadiah pajangan di mobil.. Bukan hadiahnya sih yang buat happy, tapi seneng aja bisa mendapatkan sesuatu dengan usaha bersama hahahaha...

Quick post about cupcake!

Another yummy cupcake from Manon!
It's chocolate cupcake with cream cheese hemmm...
I really love chocolate and Manon has a very delicious chocolate taste..
But I just realize I don't really like cheese especially cream cheese, I don't like salty taste combine with anything sweet..wew..

21 January 2012

Michael Wong - Interview

Michael was interviewed by The Magic Post!
If you want to see how the interview's going click here

Don't forget to check his schedule for tomorrow too! Please Click here
(If you still don't know where to go for lunar new year eve)

20 January 2012

"Because your smile is my happiness"

I won't say that Flirting isn't fun..Do you agree with that?

Sometimes all we need to hear is compliment from others that will boost our mood :D
Make us feel like flying..
Can't stop smiling..
Do you get what I'm trying to say?

If you do, I think you will know my feeling 2 days ago when I heard something nice from my love one..

(Let's be Happy babe!!)

I'm really into cupcakes recently...

Just bought this three yummy cupcakes from cake a wish last night and decided to take a pict and post it before I eat all of them hemmmmmm...

Anyway I really want to taste a red velvet and blue velvet cupcake... Any idea where can I find it??

19 January 2012


Akhirnya punya jg instagram, yg mw lihat bisa search monicaamadea yaaa :D (foursquare jg: Monica Amadea hehehe baru bisa pake setelah buat account sekian lama --")

Anyway sekalian share beberapa foto kemaren waktu hang out bareng temen-temen.. Actually I really miss hang out with all my senior and junior high friends :'(
Hope to meet you all soon!!

13 January 2012

Magic! Magician! Michael Wong!

Promo singkat yaa semua :D

Kalau yang butuh magician? Boleh loh dilihat dulu blog ini:
Disana bisa dilihat bio and videonya plus how to contact Michael...

Belum tau siapa Michael Wong?? Coba dilihat dulu fotonya siapa tau kenal (mumpung ada foto-foto baru hehe)


Mau curcol deh di post ini..
Coba tebak apa yang berlangsung 5 hari berturut-turut?

Jawabannya adalahhhh....
Ketemuan and dinner bareng si pacar..
Baru kali ini (seinget gw) bisa ketemu si pacar 5 hari STRAIGHT!

Senangnyaaa!! Jarang banget bisa gini, biasanya mah dia ada aja sibuknya antara perform and meeting..

Kami berdua lagi berasa terberkati sekali memang..
Sejak bulan lalu gw lagi sibuk kuliah dan UAS, si pacar lagi rame job (puji Tuhan) tapi komunikasi kami masih oke untungnya..
Kangen-kangen gimana gitu rasanya, seru jugaaa!

Memang cowok itu cuek and ga suka sering-sering dicariin.. Lama-lama cewek juga cape dan lama-lama juga jadi ikutan cuek hahaha.. Nah kalo udah bisa cuek gini nih pacaran jadi asik! Percaya ga percaya sih hehe tapi begitu yang gw rasakan..

Hemm, sekarang kuncinya tinggal TRUST! Amit- amit ada yang melanggar kepercayaan. Kalo itu terjadi sih ..... *masih gatau harus gimana*

Yaudah intinya always give thanks for God buat penyertaan dan berkatnya :D Mulai dari ramenya job si pacar, suksesnya semester 3, sampai masih LANGGENGnya pacaran ini *amin*

09 January 2012


Since I had this ipad, I get attached with it anytime and anywhere I go..
And the first thing I do is download as many applications as I could then I sync the ipad with my video and music..

Do you know which singer dominate my ipad??

He is Peter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985) better known by his stage name BRUNO MARS!!

His songs, videos, and pictures are all over this ipad : D

Well, I just want to try posting via this ipad and I find out that it's more difficult to posting from here..
I still dont't know how to attach link or video and I don't know why the picture always be in the bottom of the post..
So, I'll continue thia post later with some links and videos all about Bruno Mars..

Ps: Hooligans is the name of Bruno Mars's fans