01 November 2010


Yeah, I got my SLR Camera! It was Canon EOS 550 D kit (18-55mm)..
After waiting from July (because some of the camera shop ran out of stock and the one who has it mark up the price) my parents bought this camera for me..
I'm so happy and can't get far faway from this camera.. I brought it everywhere I go and try to take some picture using this fabulous camera..
This camera was the new product from Canon and it has some new features that amazed me..
So I think I will learn more about photography and be attached to this camera from now on :)


Unknown said...

Gimana Mo?

Bagus gak hasil nya?
Dari body-nya mah kayanya lebih kokoh daripada 100D ya?

Monica Amadea said...

bagus kok hehe..lebih enak sih megangnya daripada 1000D :) :)