09 January 2012


Since I had this ipad, I get attached with it anytime and anywhere I go..
And the first thing I do is download as many applications as I could then I sync the ipad with my video and music..

Do you know which singer dominate my ipad??

He is Peter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985) better known by his stage name BRUNO MARS!!

His songs, videos, and pictures are all over this ipad : D

Well, I just want to try posting via this ipad and I find out that it's more difficult to posting from here..
I still dont't know how to attach link or video and I don't know why the picture always be in the bottom of the post..
So, I'll continue thia post later with some links and videos all about Bruno Mars..

Ps: Hooligans is the name of Bruno Mars's fans


Unknown said...

nama Hooligans rasanya mirip sama nama penggemar sepak bola deh. hehehe.

Monica Amadea said...

team bola apa tuh??

jheatmadja said...

Mo, sebenernya hooligans itu lebih spesifik buat fans fanatik sepak bola, bukan buat artis. Biasanya sering dipake buat komplotan fanatik bola di inggris yang kadang bikin kekacauan kalo ada pertandingan bola, apalagi kalau tim favoritnya bolanya kalah. In plain words, hooligans itu bahasa kerennya 'tim rusuh' sepak bola yang kyk di indo gitu kalo lagi ada persija dkk maen. Hahaha.

Monica Amadea said...

ooh iya jes, tapi bruno suka manggil fans-nya begitu setau gw hehe gw liat di webnya dia (http://www.brunomars.com/) and web fanpage indonyaa..